A reporter said goodbye after 40 years of telling stories. That's a lot of stories. I only heard a few in the last 4 years. Regardless, I am sure I'll be safe in saying they were all individuals' stories. They would begin with enough wide angle to take in some background but immediately zoom in to the individual level.

All those stories and not one about humanity. In a tribute a colleague lamented these stories have become increasingly difficult to tell because of the change from a world of clearly right and wrong to one of  "competing rights" and growing "turmoil". We hear story after story after story of individuals caught up in the competition but nowhere is there a story about the effect of this conflict on humanity.

It is such a simple story to cover too. No matter at what level, our conflicts are crimes against humanity. One second more conflict than harmony takes humanity to self-destruction. That can be the end of our story. (see poem)