All conflicts have a common cause.
We fight about our make-believe.
All conflicts have a common source.
It’s ‘Adam’ and his partner ‘Eve’.
Before their first fight they had lived
In Nature’s perfect harmony.
They were the last ones in the line
That would become humanity.
They had lived under Nature’s rule.
Their predecessors had no choice.
Like other species in Her ‘womb’
They just heard Mother Nature’s ‘voice’
Instructing them to reach out to
The bounds of their capacities,
To others, and to Nature’s God,
Her natural activities.

There was no conflict in their line
Because their genes were all unique.
There were no voices in their minds.
They heard just Mother Nature speak
Until the day ‘Eve’ learned to think,
A natural activity.
Unlike the ones that gave her life
This gave birth to humanity.

This mental thought was new to her.
She heard her voice inside her mind.
It asked the question “Why am I?”
The answer though she couldn’t find.
Instinctively they’d feared unknowns.
This one she thought they should avoid.
So she asked ‘Adam’, “Why am I?”
And he set out to fill the void.
He couldn’t find the answer though.
The emptiness just would not leave.
To stem the fear of it he tried
To fill the void with make believe.

He shared his man-made myth with ‘Eve’.
He thought it was a great reply.
She thought she could do better so
’Eve’ made up her own reason why.
And so began conflict between
What Nature put into their mind
And myths they made up to fill in
The answer that they couldn’t find.

The conflict in our lives are fights
Between our two activities.
Depending on how much of each
It varies in intensities.
The first of them I have defined
As natural activity.
By making individuals
It gave birth to humanity.
As well it can be called ideal,
Essential, self-creative too.
Defining it without a word
The colour white will nicely do.

Activity made up by myths,
Beliefs, and other reasons why
I therefore call unnatural.
With it to fill the void we try.
Since it’s opposed to the ideal
It’s the antithesis of it.
It’s self-destructive, optional;
The colour black will nicely fit.

Our life can be completely white.
Since life is white it can’t be black.
It can be any shade of grey
Progressing from tiff to attack.
There is a universal thought
We fight because our myths don’t fit.
In conflict they’re irrelevant.
Direction is the cause of it.
We try to fight the void within.
Since it’s opposed to “reaching out…”
Forget the myths, direction is
What all this conflict is about.
And since the void is found within,
No matter what myth is proposed
With which we try to fill the void,
Directed inward they’re opposed.

When ‘Eve’ and ‘Adam’ found the void
They faced an existential choice.
They could confront the emptiness
Or follow Mother Nature’s ‘voice’.
They chose to try to fill the void.
However, they were unaware
Their choice would separate them from
Our Mother Nature’s peaceful care.
Had they continued to ‘reach out…”
They would have held onto her ‘hand’,
And we would not be living with
More conflict than we can withstand.

When they first tried to fill the void
It’s size and it’s effect were small.
Unnatural activity
Required? Almost none at all.
But some successors still asked “Why?”
Each why uncovered a new fact.
With each the void increased in size
And in effect increased its tract.
Unnatural activity
Increased in step, and the amount
Of natural activity
Was decreased by a likewise count.
Accordingly conflict increased
And more is added every day
For most believe we have the right
To fill the void in our own way.

Right now in 2024
Our lives are dominated by
Unnatural activity
Still looking for the reason why.
Our lives though aren’t completely black.
Without some white in them we die.
And there is proof around the world
To make them more white millions try.
We see the tries in our protests
Against the conflict in Ukraine,
Putin’s attempt to fill the void
That’s pretty well destroyed his brain.
There’re in protests for Palestine
But Netanyahu makes it tough.
He can’t be told, to fill the void
His genocide won’t be enough.

If tuning white can end these wars
Then there’s the possibility
That though the clock is running down
We too might save humanity
By making peace with Mother Earth
Who we have pretty well destroyed
In our 200,000 years
Of failed attempts to fill the void.

To make peace with our Mother Earth
Is simple but it will be hard
For all eight ways we try to fill
The void, we simply must discard.
Though eight there is a keystone way.
Right off we have to use our brain
And cut our population to
The number Nature can sustain.
The 7 billion plus of us
Are fighting Nature to the death
Which measures our insanity
For if we win we lose our breath.
The others are just all the ways
We make our artificial life.
They’re easy to identify.
Just look around for all the strife.

Like ‘Eve’ and ‘Adam’ at our birth
We face that existential choice.
We still can try to fill the void
Or follow Mother Nature’s ‘voice’
Instructing us to reach out to
The bounds of our capacities,
To others, and to Nature’s God,
Our natural activities.
This time we know the consequence.
If we still try to fill the void
There’ll be no one to count the dead.
With conflict all will be destroyed.

AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
COVID-19 vie er US (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
CLIMATE BREAKDOWN (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void (rhymed reason)
0UR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
EC0N0MY (rhymed reason)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX, and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: the death of us (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
DONALD TRUMP (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
LAW of HUMAN NATURE (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)
BELlEFS (rhymed reason)