I finally finished my gravel paths.(see CLEANING GRAVEL) It took quite a bit longer than I  thought it would but you know how it goes. You start by changing a light bulb, find a crack in the wall and end up doing a reno.

The actual cleaning and replacement of the gravel went well. To help keep it clean I then doubled up the stonework to better retain the soil where it slopes down to the paths. Where the paths were low I decided to add more crushed gravel. The new gravel was a finer texture and it looked a lot better than the original. So I made 5, 5 minute trips to the pit, loaded  51, 5 gal. pails of gravel and spread it 11/2 to 2" deep on every foot of path.

Does it look great! As an added bonus the finer aggregate keeps falling debris on the surface so the shop vac works really well. This is good because it is less likely I'll be caught vacuuming my paths.

When I first got into the tasks I had serious doubts about whether I should have even bothered trying to clean either my garden paths or our philosophical paths. The former was a big job but microscopic when compared to the latter. Still the results in my garden leave me somewhat reassured.