'Western' democracy should not succeed in Iraq. Our 'western' way of living is far more advanced than the Iraqis. Their ability to effect our collective self-destruction lags far behind our own. We are doing just fine without them. Why force them to make a contribution?

Of course there are 'western' Muslims. Typically though, the Islamic segment of humanity has a fabric of existence colored by their religious/philosophical reaction to the void. (see poem) We in the 'west' have our religious/philosophical reaction too. However, our fabric of existence is far more dominated by our materialistic reaction to the void.

Where these two pieces of our collective fabric of existence meet there are a number of holes, the result of Islamic suicide bombers taking their reaction to the extreme. Tragic and senseless though these are, they are insignificant when compared to the level of self-destruction our materialistic reaction is causing. While a few extremists are blowing holes in it, by degrading our life support system, the "west of us" are taking our entire fabric of existence to the point of disintegration.

I think we in the 'west' should re-evaluate the effect our lives are having on life and then question the wisdom of establishing another 'western' democracy in Iraq.